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Pedestrian Bridge

Financial Advice for Business Owners

Aegis is an independent company that assists businesses and individuals with all manner of financial matters. For businesses we assist owners to ensure that their objectives are met by reducing costs and substantially increasing returns. We can also ensure that any regulatory requirements are being met. In short, we look to positively impact the bottom line.


“The modern concept of doing something "under someone's aegis" means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.”


Often when we view a set of company accounts, costs are an item that stands out and typically these costs can be reduced. Whether it is energy, telecoms, fleet, borrowing costs, insurances, procurement etc all areas should be looked at to ensure that your business is paying as little as possible. This is especially important given recent energy price rises. Usually, the reason for overpayment on costs is a lack of time to search the market for optimal prices, we are able to do this for you.



Interested in reducing costs ...



D O   Y O U   H AV E   O N E
F O R   Y O U R S E L F   T O O ?


We work with business owners to establish what their ultimate objectives are, and to understand the type of business they have. If it is a lifestyle business, then we need to be extracting monies for the owners in the most tax efficient manner year on year. If the objective is value, then we need to ensure that the company is operating as efficiently and profitably so as to be as attractive as possible to a potential acquirer.


Create a business plan ...



Most companies we come across are also paying too much tax. Corporation Tax and other taxes can be legitimately reduced either by using allowances that are available, or by legally changing the organisational structure slightly. We do not engage in high risk “schemes” but merely use legislation put in place by successive governments.


Want to lower your tax bill ...

Employee Benefits and Financial Wellness

As part of our comprehensive service, we offer a complimentary Financial Wellness programme for employers. This is designed to improve financial education and alleviate stress, which ultimately reduces absences and improves productivity, which in turn has a positive financial impact on the company. We also can manage and implement any employee benefits offered to staff and ensure that they are set up in the most tax efficient manner.

John Boss


Managing Director


John has been in financial services for over 25 years, and has been pivotal in building other financial organisations during this time.


John’s background in Economics and in his work with accountants makes him ideally placed to advise clients in a wide variety of areas, from advising high net worth individuals with their investments, through to helping business owners improve their bottom line profit and reduce costs.

Our Services

R&D Allowances

The government has made money available for company’s that innovate. These reliefs are substantial and many businesses that are eligible do not claim. This could make a substantial impact to your resources.


Need to claim for innovation ...

Capital Raising and Finance

We have the whole of the lending and capital raising market available whatever your requirements. We can review any existing borrowing to ensure you pay as little interest as possible.



Discuss your lending requirements ...

Specialist Director Support

Sometimes business owners require specialist technical assistance to achieve an objective or solve a problem. We can facilitate temporary support from an expert on an executive or non-executive basis.



Want the support of a specialist Director

Case Studies

Plastics Company “Lots of Deposits”



Company with £1.5m in cash increasing yearly getting very little in interest (offered 0.75% by their bank).




Company gave us £200,000 to look after initially increasing their return from £11,250 per annum to £19,750 per annum, an increase of 75.5%, without a significant increase to risk.

Multi site Independent Music Retailer “no time to look at costs”



Directors focused on growing the business by acquisition and opening new stores. No time to focus on costs which had never been reviewed. Suggested to accountant after seeing accounts that a complimentary cost review should be undertaken.




Review of energy alone on first 5 stores produced a £25,000 cost saving. After full review of sites conducted significantly more than this saved. Now as a new site is opened or store acquired the Directors first call is to get a review of costs to be conducted.

Property Developer needing funding “no joy with the banks”



Property Developer finding funding hard to come by due to number of projects underway and delayed pipeline of unit sales needed to raise funds solve short-term cashflow need.




Banks would not lend, including clients own bank, due to them being perceived as “over stretched”. Consolidated existing pensions of business owners into a SSAS (Small Self-Administered Scheme) valued at circa £500,000. Used 50% loan back facility to provide £250,000 funding to meet short term cashflow requirements.

Cyber Security



Identified from accounts and investigations that Directors protection policies were inadequate and set up in totally incorrect way for tax purposes resulting in benefit in kind charge on Directors and additional corporation tax liability for the company.




New protection put in place producing a corporation tax saving for the company and without creating a benefit in kind charge for the Directors. Also protection set up so that benefits paid to estate would not be subject to inheritance tax.


Founder of Selective Asia and Founding Partner of One Bottle at a Time

I've had the pleasure of working with John since 2014 and have benefited greatly from his insight and expertise. Always a delight to speak or meet (remember those days?!) with, John unravels the complexities and speaks straight-English even when describing innovative investment plans.

- Nick Pulley

I had a great experience with Aegis company. I was looked after by Mr Adam Shamil who was a pleasure to work with, he always walked the extra mile with every task he did , he was extremely professional in the way he dealt with my case and I even heard the same positive feedback from his other clients.
He give an honest advice , he knows his limits but he will do his best to sort every financial dilemma you could have. He will put you through the right source of information if he think it’s not his speciality. He took all the pressure from his clients by filling forms, arranging for on line meetings and any other admin work . Mr Shamil always makes his clients feel they are getting special care as if they are the only client he have.
I will definitely recommend this company to any one who need a hardworking and professional financial advisor.

Hulya Gunay is not only very knowledgeable in her field but her personality and experience have meant that she has been exactly the right fit for me as a solid support during my divorce. Hulya has always gone the extra mile and has made me feel at ease with all my financial decisions. Highly recommended!

- Sam Pope

Edem Amewowor has been my financial advisor for three years. I came to him with my finances in need of serious plan that would ensure I could live the vision I saw for myself and my family. Since working with him, I have paid of my debts, saved a significant emergency fund, put life insurance in place to protect my children and overall become more financially aware. I appreciate his advice and encouragement and can truly say that I would not be were I am if it were not for his support.

- Natalie R

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Connect with a Specialist

Thanks you for connecting we will be in touch soon!


London Office:

Aegis Financial Planning, Warnford Court, 29 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2AT



T.  0333 358 2233

Aegis Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No. 624298) Registered Office: Warnford Court, 29 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2AT. Registered in England & Wales No 8946610.

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